Monday, November 28, 2011

Chasing the 21st Century

Does school look and feel exactly how it did 10, 15, 20, or 30 years ago? Consider these practices:
(1) Desks organized in rows in front of the blackboard or overhead projector (not exactly multimedia of today!). (2) Teacher at the blackboard lecturing to the class or students working on handouts. Handouts... yup, they are photocopies of pages from resource books that came as part of the textbook purchase plan (maybe back in 1983, yikes!). Sometimes, the handouts are photocopies or printouts of material from various educational websites; printed minutes before the class begins. (3) Teachers showing YouTube videos or websites on a projector--- though using multimedia teachnology, may not be pedagogy based multimedia education.Will we continue like this for another 10, 15, 20, or 30 years? For the entire 21st century? Or will the schools look and feel different? Some schools will lead in the 21st century and others will chase it. Check out this link to read about 21 things that will be obsolete by 2020. Feel free to post your comments.

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